The Key Difference Between Regular Jobs & Entrepreneurship

Yes, it has to do with money.

Mehreen Javed
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readDec 27, 2020


Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

What is the difference between regular jobs and entrepreneurship? This is a question that you will hear frequently. This question will always sound the same, but the answer to it will differ each time. There are hundreds of minor differences between regular jobs and entrepreneurial work that you’ll see people pointing out but today we’re going to talk about the one key difference which sets these two apart from each other: Scaling Of Income.

Have you ever heard about it before? Scaling of income? Let me explain this entire process.

Putting In The Hard Work In Regular Jobs

If you have ever worked a regular job, you know that there are times when employees feel motivated to achieve more and therefore, they start putting in more efforts into their work. This happens to each and every working individual at some point. And this is a good thing, right? Well, in case of regular jobs, I would say that it isn’t good because of “income scaling”.

You see, in regular jobs, the income is fixed. If your employer pays you $100 per day for the purpose of checking emails of the organization, it doesn’t matter whether you check 5 emails or 500 emails per day; you will only be paid the fixed $100!

Here’s what this means:

Your income does not scale with your efforts. Doesn’t matter how hard you work, you’ll be paid the same.

People working regular jobs often talk about how they feel stressed out when they put in lots of efforts in their work but don’t see any benefits. This is because in regular jobs, the income does not scale. It is fixed. So, in financial regard, it doesn’t matter if you’re putting in 110% instead of 100% in your work; your income/salary will remain the same.

Of course, I am not considering the bonuses that people receive for their good efforts, but generally, these bonuses are not so frequent and the overall income of course, remains the same.

Working Hard In Entrepreneurship

Now on the other hand, in entrepreneurship, the income scales! Entrepreneurship differs from regular jobs in one main aspect and it is that in entrepreneurship, the harder you work, the more you earn. Income scaling exists in entrepreneurship. The more work and efforts you put in, the larger your income is going to scale.

Your income is directly related to your efforts and hard work in entrepreneurship. When you work more, you’ll earn more.

In entrepreneurship, the income is not limited, which is the greatest benefit of it that makes it so desirable as a path to choose over regular jobs. This is the key difference between regular jobs and entrepreneurial work.

The Only Difference That Matters

So, forget about all the other minor differences between entrepreneurship and regular jobs. The only difference that matters is the scaling of income. Once, you know this, you’ll be able to look at the two with a completely new and different viewpoint.

If you want to earn more, you just need to focus on the scaling of income instead of other useless factors.



Mehreen Javed
Writers’ Blokke

Linguist, Academician, Psychology Enthusiast, Founder: BeMarketed, Digital Marketer, Entrepreneur, Newspaper Columnist, Professional Writer, Blogger.