The key to happiness

Sanjana S 💛
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readOct 4, 2022

Did you find yours?

Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash

If life ever bemuses or disappoints you, remember to surprise it by being happy.

We often believe that our greatest accomplishment lies in material possessions. However, do you know that the highest form of success that one can achieve rests in our happiness?

Our lives, be they short or long, should be filled with joy and delight.

So, what exactly is this happiness? Where do we find it?

The answer is subjective, right?

However, if you are still looking for the secret to happiness, you might want to have a look at my little list.

  • Do not rely on anyone else to make you happy. By doing so, you are only burdening that person to live up to your expectations, something which is not always possible to keep up to. Hence be your happy pill.
  • Try to avoid comparing yourself to others. Never forget that you are the best and that what you have is likely the dream of many. American novelist Eleanor Brown once said, “Stop thinking you are doing it all wrong. Your path doesn’t look like anybody else’s, because it can’t, it shouldn’t and it won’t”.
  • Opinions of people barely matter. As the saying goes, ‘you cannot make everyone happy how much you try. Thus, what they think about you is not your lookout. Still not convinced? Take a look at the cosmos. Several Planets make up one solar system. Our earth is one of them. It comprises of many continents followed by countries that are further subdivided into multiple states. Each state has a sizable population of its own. So, what I mean is that the human race forms a speck of the universe. Today we are here, tomorrow not. Therefore, the opinions of people do not define you and shouldn’t bother you anyway.
  • Treasure your health. Pay attention to your body and follow its cues. Besides, do not forget to include a small portion of exercise in your daily routine. Trust me, it not only contributes to your physical well-being but also your mental stability.
  • Smile a lot more than you usually do. If no one has said this to you, then let me remind you that you look stunning when you smile. Hence do not hesitate to flash your teeth before they fall off.
  • Lastly, remember to have fun and learn to live in the present. Tomorrow is uncertain. Hence overthinking about the same will not help anyway.

A gentle reminder: Happiness is a momentary emotion. What matters is how much you make out of it. In my opinion, the pandemic has already taught us an important lesson. Our life is much shorter than we think it is. Remaining happy or sad is a personal choice. Hence choose your option wisely.

Also, if you have managed to read this far, I want to thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to read my article. It means the world to me.



Sanjana S 💛
Writers’ Blokke

Hi folks! I am a lawyer with a passion for blogging - currently on a mission to eat good food, travel and find my mental peace:))