The Lies Everyone Tells You About University

Somehow, I have more free time, a better social life, and much better mental health than I did in high school

Sahir Dhalla
Writers’ Blokke


For years before I went to university, I had been told by countless adults that my studies were this time to be dreaded, that I would have no free time at all, no social life and friends, and immense stress from the workload.

And so, my friends and I all went into our universities expecting the worst. As excited as we all were to start a new chapter in our lives, we were dreading the workloads and lack of free time that we had signed up for. Not to mention the issues associated with online school.

Yet somehow, after one year at university, I have far more free time than ever before, as my extensive number of books read this year can attest to.

Yes, the workload has increased, but at the same time, it feels so much lighter because I’m studying what I choose to, for the most part. Having this sort of work is far better than high school too because it isn’t just topics I have to study, but rather topics I now get to study. This mindset shift automatically improves mental health so much, and I know I’m not the only student who has benefited from this.



Sahir Dhalla
Writers’ Blokke

Exploring the intersection and cutting edge of neuroscience, AI, and philosophy