The Lost Art of Letter Writing

Yours truly, from many oceans away

Alyssa Chua
Writers’ Blokke


“To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere, without moving anything but your heart.” — Phyllis Grissim-Theroux

Have you ever written letters? No, I don’t mean those hastily-crafted chats and text messages we send to friends on a daily or weekly basis. I mean those honest-to-goodness letters that require a pen and paper to write, that take a few days to get to the recipient.

My first brush with letter-writing was with childhood friends who lived in the same country as I did but in another province. Letters were our only way of staying in touch because the internet was new and computers and cellphones weren’t really a thing back then (yes, that’s how old I am). Back then, letters would fly back and forth and be our only means of staying updated with each other’s lives.

I also had friends that I saw every weekend, but we’d also exchange letters for the fun of it. I grew to look forward to those as well, spending most of my days after school listening to the scritch-scratch of pen on papers as the ink bled out of the pen and words bled out of my fingers.

I don’t know about you, but I believe there’s something magical about letter writing. The smell of paper. The print of pretty stationery that you keep to write to special friends…



Alyssa Chua
Writers’ Blokke

Event planner. Traveller and culture explorer. Writer embodying Gustave Flaubert’s mindset to “write of ordinary life as if one were writing history.”