The Meaning of Condoms for Indonesian Teenagers

Sri Ayuningsih
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2020

Condoms are a taboo subject for Indonesian Youth. Those who talk about condoms, mean they have violated normal courtesy.

Medical News Today

Maybe because of culture? or parents in Indonesia do not understand how important it is to provide an understanding of sex from an early age.

Quoted from news published by CNN Indonesia that the Indonesian Midwives Association said that condoms as a contraceptive to prevent or delay pregnancy are still considered taboo by the Indonesian people, especially in rural areas.

This is very sad, see so many birth rates without being accompanied by improvements in the education sector and employment prospects in Indonesia.

Then, based on data from the Ministry of Health released in 2016, the number of HIV in Indonesia was reported to reach 208,920 people. Housewives are the biggest sufferers by occupational category, with 11,655 people. Whereas, condoms are contraceptives that can prevent the transmission of sexual diseases such as HIV-AIDS in the family.

how can Indonesian teenagers know about the use of condoms if for married people it is considered taboo? Still quoted from news published by CNN Indonesia, Chairperson of the Indonesian Midwives Association, Emi Nurjasmi said that mothers were still ashamed to come to the midwife to get information, or buy condoms.

One day when I was 17 years old, I tried to discuss the topic of condoms with my friends. But what I get is the uncomfortable view and dislike of most of them. Some of them even though I was an adult before age, hell! When you are 17 years old it is said to be immature to talk about condoms. Then what age do you mean?

I am sure, this is what makes many Indonesian teenage girls get pregnant outside of marriage. Moreover, many of them are also affected by HIV or other sexual diseases.

I do not mean to say that if we understand about condoms, we will automatically avoid all types of sexual diseases. But there is no harm in preventing its rights? one of them by knowing important things such as the function and how to use condoms during sexual intercourse.

I feel very sorry for children who were accidentally born by their parents. especially if his or her parents are teenagers who are not given enough provisions regarding sex education. Many souls are still aborted fetuses and newborns are thrown away.

Who can be blamed if something like this happens? Culture? Parents? Or God? I don’t think it’s the three. This problem is the lack of sex education and understanding of reproductive health for most Indonesian people, especially those who are still teenagers.

I hope the Indonesian people will be more open with sex education socialization. Then sex education and reproductive health will be explained in more detail in schools to Indonesian Youth.

Let’s press the number of births. Reduce the number of HIV positive sufferers and prevent teenagers from becoming pregnant outside of marriage. No longer consider things like talking about the function and importance of using a condom is taboo.



Sri Ayuningsih
Writers’ Blokke

Enthusiastic in Historical, Reviewer and Article Writer