The Mighty Strength Within You

Sandi Sipe
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
6 min readDec 9, 2020
Photo by Samuel McGarrigle on Unsplash

Sometimes it is easier to focus on the negative, especially when we are feeling down or things aren’t going right.

Today’s article is inspired by mighty. Com. This online community encourages self-improvement and personal growth by reframing our thoughts to deflect negativity and focus on the positive in each situation. The group offers a plethora of information on mental health, tips to take care of ourselves, and challenges to support and encourage personal growth as new feelings surface. The healing of the mind, body, and soul is a top priority within the community as members work toward a new attitude to deal with the negativity of a mad, mad, mad world.

In this article, I will share with you my personal revelations and dawning ideas about each challenge I have faced in the past. I am currently in a program named 52 Small Things. This is a one-year course of self-care in a pandemic world. I find good advice from others who, like me, are undergoing a shift in behaviors through what I aptly call Pandemic Frustration.

What is Pandemic Frustration?

Pandemic Frustration- is a Sandi-named condition that bears symptoms of indifference. The “I don’t give a damn.” attitude is a little more productive than the depressive episodes that usually plague people when in a restrictive environment or situation. We are facing the restrictions of social interaction, confined to our homes for the most part, and unable to have face-to-face conversations. Instead of going to bed and praying for death or the end of the world to come and take me away, I choose to participate in the program that favors my look on life. Find the positive ignore the negative.

In my approach to 52 Small Ways, I consider three key elements. 1. The lesson we can take away. 2. The message from Heavenly Father — usually through revelation or the scriptures. 3. How to exercise my faith to find the positive in all things.

This time of year, I find myself pissed off by the potential reclosing of America due to other peoples’ choices not to comply with common-sense rules and wear a mask. Fine, you want to catch the virus that is killing people off, go ahead, but keep your distance from us that do not want it. We show you by wearing masks.

In any event, the cancellation of Christmas celebrations and traditions are under consideration in every town and state all over America if not the world. Our way of life is changing; a new normal is on the horizon, and yet everyone seems to have given up on life. Don’t do that! We are facing an adventure in survival-if you want to view it that way. We are alive. We have survived through so much in the last thirty or forty years. There was the Swine Flu, Bird Blue, AIDS, etc.

How do we go on in such a pandemic?

First, do not let the pandemic control your life. Yes, wear a mask while shopping, etc. This shows respect for others that do not want to become ill. They want to see family members. I say to you, get out of bed, get off the couch, and find the motivation to hang Christmas lights on the house, decorate the front porch. People need to get out of the house and see the lights; get something creative flowing in your blood and display your heart out. Decorate the inside of the home; hang stockings; light a fire in the fireplace or backyard pit. Find some Christmas music on the radio or smart television and sing your heart out in the backyard or balcony. Scream to the top of your lungs that joyful noise unto the Lord. Show off the creative side of you; this season, I am framing a few Christmas cards and sending them to my best friends. It is a little something that they can hang in their house from this season on into the future. This may be a new normal for me.

What can we do to find normalcy? What can we learn?

Photo by Kieran White on Unsplash

The light comes into darkness but darkness can not be found in the light.

You, my reader, may have guessed that I love Christmas, the spirit of it-peace on Earth, goodwill to all men. The traditions and rituals of celebration should never change. The joy that my grandkids have on their faces when MiMi and Pap-Pap tell them that Santa is on his way. Although we are in a crisis, we can be creative and find hope in all things. God has not gone on vacation or abandoned us; he is just in his stand to observe and wait for us to call on him. We made our choices, and now, we must live with the consequences. Seek first the kingdom and glory of God and then the riches of the land.

Always remember the real purpose for our celebration of Christmas is a gift to the world from our Heavenly Father. He gave unto us his only begotten son — a baby boy that will change attitudes with love. Cure the afflicted with faith, and he will die with honor for the natural man’s sins.

We can celebrate this baby boy’s birth and life by following his example of love, tenderness, mercy, grace, and honor. He prayed with and for the friends he will leave behind. Jesus had a gentle heart filled with love and respect for his Heavenly Father. He prayed constantly and wholeheartedly. Follow his example.

What is the lesson? The lesson I learned from this Pandemic Frustration, I do give a damn. I have that mighty strength to stand up for what I believe in. I have a strong faith in my Savior Jesus Christ. We here in my household will celebrate the gift given to us by God in our prayers of thanks, our Christmas hymns, and our love for fellow men and women. We are the sons and daughters of Heavenly Father, and we are here to make a difference.

I will apply my faith in the Christmas miracles by utilizing the blessings of technology to visit with my brother, sisters, and extended family virtually on Christmas day. In the following year, I will recall and live the example of a baby boy’s life to do good for everyone when possible. I give God the glory for my being here on this Earth at this time. My love for him is with all my heart, the energy of my body, and soul.

The gift of love, compassion, honor, and respect did not die with Jesus; it was the beginning of our purpose in the world. I accept it with energy, passion for life, and honor in my family.

Charity/Love, hope, and faith are other gifts God gave to us, and the biggest of these is love/charity.

It is all right that we are in a situation beyond our understanding. We will survive. There may not be a thing to learn personally, but we can accept change. The Bible says…and it happened. Nothing comes and stays forever, so find out what you can control and work from that point. Through all of this, things will find a new normal. We are in the process of growing pains in this nation and in the world.

Here are some tips to keep in mind. Control what we can do with our actions. If you don’t have a job due to the pandemic, find resources in your area. Help another family member get a stable grip on life; work together to create a family bond.

Some people choose to drink and become violent. This drunken idiot should probably go to jail. There he can get three meals a day; the family will be safe and no more fear and pain. Let us not forget he may get help to deal and cope with this stress.

Tip two if you see a problem, examine it and find a solution. If you want to complain to someone about any turmoils you are facing, please suggest a solution.

At the end of the day when all is said and done, it is your choice and of your free will to accept the changes that are apparent to change. How you cope with the stress that will pass through daily life is your choice. It is your decision to continue in honor and mighty inner strength to find the new normal. There is also the option to shrivel up and die, but why hurt your family and friends? Why leave them in confusion, with a void in their world? I am sure that someone will miss you not being in his or her world. So, get up off the butt and live as part of the world and not in it.




Sandi Sipe
Writers’ Blokke

I am a Texas author writing in hte gentes of politics, religion, encouragement. MY QUOTES: I have balls too, they are 2 feet up and multi-functional.