Milestones of Destiny Fulfilment

Favour Olumese
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2023
Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash

Growing up, I repeatedly heard people say the words, “if you want to go far in life…” This bothered me. Why do they say “go far” and not “if you want to live a fulfilled life?” At that stage of my life, I felt that the word “go far” fell short of living a destiny-fulfilling life. I later found out that “to go far” means to have a successful life here on earth.

Dr Myles Munroe in his book, Understanding Your Potential, said that potential is limitless; thus, this made me understand that so long a person is alive, there is no limit to what such a person can achieve or do. This also made me realise the concept of the milestones of destiny.

Every man and woman on earth was made for a purpose, to solve a problem here on earth. It is up to each of us to find out what we are born for and work towards it. As we make progress towards utilisation of our God-given potential to bless our world, we get to different points that could be termed milestones (for at these points in our lives, we make decisions that invariably propel the purpose for our being). There is also that point in destiny where we could humbly say, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course,” for at such a point in our destiny, we would have set in motion or accomplished our God-given destiny that if we were called to glory, we would have nothing but smiles on our faces (2 Timothy 4:7). At such a point, we would be aware that we have sung our songs and we won’t be taking our internal treasure to the grave.

We are all here on earth for diverse purposes, which entails serving out our potential for the benefit of humanity. Every move we make in line with destiny gets us closer to the ultimate checkpoint (the point of destiny fulfilment).

The beaut of potential is that it is limitless, which implies that even when we have accomplished or set in motion our purpose for being, we can still do more good for humanity whilst we breathe.

You are born for a purpose, find it, work on it with excellence to God’s glory, and bless your world. You are not a passer-by here on earth; you are a contributor. Please, contribute your quota before you leave.

Thank you in advance for all you can still do for the world.

Always Sing Your Song — Victor C. Johnson



Favour Olumese
Writers’ Blokke

Favour Olumese is a lover of the creative use of words who utilises poetry & non-fiction to relate humanity and divinity in this ticking phase called life.