The Most Effective Way to Alter Your Self-Concept over Night.

Getting rid of limiting beliefs is easy if you do this and persist

Janine Friedrich
Writers’ Blokke
4 min readOct 12, 2021


Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

Do you know Dylan James? If not — you really should!

I am so unbelievably grateful for having found his YouTube channel.

He is the most authentic and helpful person I have ever come across on this platform. His positive, uplifting and heart-warming energy jumps right over when you listen to him. He shares all of his valuable knowledge, empowering messages, experiences and success stories in his videos. I feel like his words really reached a deeper understanding inside me because he is so clear about everything he says — and the best part: it’s free.

So yea, believe me: I am not exaggerating when I say that he changed my life for the better, in a really sustainable way.

And I am 100 percent sure that he can do the same for you.


It is quite simple. You let your subconscious do pretty much of the work:

Listen to his 8-hour “Self-Concept: Limitless Manifestor” recording for at least 21 days while you sleep.

It is so effective because it directly enters your subconscious mind which is also most receptive at night.

In the beginning, you may experience some inner resistance to these new, helpful and limitless beliefs and that is just natural. It may show as weird dreams or waking up more frequently — and that means: it is working. Your subconscious is trying to digest the new beliefs while recycling and getting rid of the old bullshit concept. If you are dreaming things like you’re missing a plane, train, bus or that nobody wants to help you — that is all coming from the belief of not being good enough. These dreams will change for the better, you’ll see.

So, even if the beginning is a little uncomfortable — remember that growth is not comfortable anyways — and please just hang in there and persist. The change is already happening.

Since I want to keep this article as handy as possible, below the video, you’ll find a short summary of things to keep in mind during the process:

  1. Life does not happen to you, it happens THROUGH you.
  2. You show the world how to treat you based on what you believe and feel about yourself.
  3. You are — either consciously or unconsciously — creating your reality based on the value and the meaning that you assign to the things that show up around you or the thoughts that come up in your mind.
  4. Circumstances do not exist. Never focus on a problem and do not get caught up in a story that you don’t want to create as an experience in your life.
  5. The word impossible literally says I’m possible. Therefore always stay in a state of trust/strong self-certainty. Use your energy to believe instead of doubting or questioning things. Stop holding yourself back. You are limitless.
  6. If any doubts or fears start to arise during the day, tell yourself that these are just coming from your old belief system (which is normal during the shift). Acknowledge them and let them go because they are not your story or your reality anymore. With time, it will become easier to recognize these and choose a different road instead, a new, helpful belief.
  7. If you need more support and empowerment during the process, check out Dylans other videos and short meditations. He is there to answer every question and helps to guide you through this. But eventually, you will become the one you can count on because you’ll fully trust in yourself no matter what. You’ll learn how to reassure yourself and stay in an empowered mindset. That is what Dylan is aiming for. He gives you the tools, explains exactly what you need to do, and pushes you to keep going so that you, from now on, live your best life as the best version of yourself.
  8. Do not react to triggers. Whenever undesirable things unfold in your reality, choose to persist! Do not let these things throw you off your game! Do not entertain unhelpful thoughts or situations in your head. Keep believing! Anything you want is already yours. Claim it!
  9. At all times, please be patient with yourself. I mean, look, unhelpful beliefs may have been building themselves up from early childhood on. Resistance is normal and persistence is needed to change your self-concept for the better. Just let your mind do the work at night and then go about your day doing the things you love and enjoy the most.
  10. Be sure of what it is that you want in life. What would you do if you already had all of this, how would you feel during the day? Feel it now. Embody it now. Live in the end state. Replace all these stupid sentences like “I will be happy/rich/healthy/loved when I … “ with “I am happy/rich/healthy/loved now because I create this feeling within myself.” The outer world will then rearrange itself to match your new reality.
  11. Do emotional self-regulation with breathwork. Why? Because it is never the goal to suppress or repress negative emotions. You need to feel them in order to move them out of your body. Check out Dylans videos for a detailed explanation about it.
  12. Get into the habit of thinking uplifting thoughts (to strengthen your new limitless beliefs even more) like: I am chosen. I am good enough. I am worthy and deserving of love and respect and I do not need to ask for it. I am powerful. I am loved. I am healthy… and so on.

I believe in you. Now go and learn how to believe in yourself too. You are a limitless creator. Always remember that.

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Janine Friedrich
Writers’ Blokke

Passionate writer & poet. Topics: Spirituality, Body Mind & Soul, Sexuality, Health, Self-Compassion, Personal Development.