The Power of Asking Questions

How a Powerful Question Could Change Your Life…

Todi Afo
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readAug 11, 2022


“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” ~ Matthew 7:7 KJV

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

At this point in history, the average person in a first world country is well-accustomed to using Google.

You know how it goes.

You come across a topic or statement that you are unfamiliar with or wish to verify, and you hop on your phone or personal computer to enter a query.

In an instant, you are met with billions, if not, trillions of results regarding your question.

Would you believe me if I told you that you could use your mind in the same manner?

Why Asking Questions Can be So Powerful

Questions gives structure to your thinking

When you have no direction or purpose to guide you, you waste energy going down a rabbit hole of thought chains that do not pretain to the original idea you were contemplating.

Questions give your mind constraints to work with, preventing unproductive thinking.

Questions Expand Your Idea of What Is Possible

A lot of times, we get stuck in ruts where we feel stagnated and unmotivated.

We get trapped in mundane patterns of thinking, preventing us from progressing as fast as we would like to.

Asking powerful, exciting questions breaks us out of our mental straightjackets and push us to start taking meaningful action towards our most audacious goals.

For example, read the following questions.

“What do I really want?”

“How Can I 10x my income next year?”

“What is preventing me from pursuing what I really love to do?”

“What gets me excited and passionate about life?”

Asking questions like these can quickly break you out of your complacency because they force you to evaluate your priorities and think big.

One of the biggest killers of success is having a negative or constraining mindset.

Once you are able to fix that, positive change becomes easier and more enjoyable.

Questions Enhance Communication and Relationships

Asking meaningful questions in conversation demonstrates to others that you care about what they have to say and are actively listening when they speak.

We have all had those moments where we are having a conversation and the other person begins to drift of into la-la-land, completely disengaged.

Asking questions prevents this phenomenon.

In addition, asking questions helps to create sound relationships.

Whenever people do not understand each other in a relationship, distrust and contempt quickly forms.

Asking meaningful questions will not only clarify any misunderstandings you have with your friends, family, and coworkers, but it will also build trust.

Harness the Power of Questions in Your Life

Getting into the habit of asking insightful questions will have a profound impact on the quality of your life.

If you can create a question regarding your health, wealth, and relationships, ask it each day, and work to apply what you learn from your inquiry, you will witness life-change right before your eyes.



Todi Afo
Writers’ Blokke

Avid Learner, voracious reader, and big thinker. I write about life-changing insights, mindsets, and philosophies