The Struggle of Feeling Lost in a Seemingly Perfect Life

Underneath the burden of societal checkpoints, lies a disorientated individual.

Han Cao
Writers’ Blokke


If you asked me in my early 20's what would my picture of a ‘perfect’ life look like, I wouldn’t think twice: good relationships, a stable career and home ownership. Goals that are similar to most.

Fast forward to my late 20's, I have achieved most of these. Functional friendships, a stable career and most recently, brought a house. On paper, my life is great.

But last night, as I sat down alone on the kitchen floor shrouded in darkness, overlooking the patio doors leading into the garden, the night sky and beyond, an uneasy, sinking feeling entered my thoughts.

I was completely lost in life.

Mid-life crisis (not there yet), quarter life crisis, whatever you call it — previously, I didn’t believe any of this.

I used to think these terms were thrown around too easily: ‘How can you be lost when you’re making huge strides into societal checkpoints which most people dream of?’

The underlying issue with our human nature is the want to blend into society, to do what societal norms dictate.

What society wants, not what you want.



Han Cao
Writers’ Blokke

Storyteller, Pharmacist, Violinist. Just your regular guy fumbling through life.