The Supreme Court Has Finally Spoken, Obamacare is Here To Stay

EP McKnight, MEd
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2021


How the GOP wanted to crush Obamacare and leave 31 millions without healthcare, some with pre existing medical issues and no replacement

Photo by Claire Anderson on Unsplash

For the last four years, the Trump administration has been trying to destroy Obamacare not caring about the people loosing healthy care with no replacement but to tarnish the good that President Obama’s legacy entailed. Yesterday is gone, today is here and tomorrow is not promised to anyone. History is what it is and can not be changed or modified, hidden yes.

Finally the Supreme Court woke up and put an end to a battle that has been going on for four years and thank God it is officially over. 30 millions plus can now relax for once in four years about loosing healthcare. Wouldn’t be so bad if the GOP had a viable replacement but in four years produced nothing but rhetoric to get rid of what was working as they aimed to destroy what many had for the first time, healthcare and otherwise may now have had any coverage at all. Even tens of millions who had preexisting medical conditions would have been faced with a dire situation if it was left up to the GOP.

The GOP major effort to strike down Obamacare, a national healthcare law, fizzled out in a 7–2 decision. The court wholeheartedly agreed on Obamacare to reman forever. It’s a done deal now. You can’t…



EP McKnight, MEd
Writers’ Blokke

Actress, Stage playwright, Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher Fitness Coach. www.epmcknight.wixsite.epfitspiration Follow me: Tiktok,