The Teacher Said, ‘She Has Her Head in the Clouds.’

I’ll never stop daydreaming.

Jade Hadfield
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readFeb 1, 2022


Photo by Billy Huynh on Unsplash

I did alright at school, I think. I wasn’t ever top of my class, I struggled with maths and I was never keen on PE, but I got by. I made it into the top-set English class and got A*’s in the subjects I cared about at GCSE. Not too shabby, right?

But some of my teachers really didn’t like me. I struggled to pay attention unless I really cared about what was being taught. I doodled in the margins of my exercise books, which some didn’t mind, but others, oh boy. My French teacher made an example of me once – she showed my little squiggles and funny faces to the class and sent me to sit at the back on my own. That’s the only memory I have of her. What a great legacy.

I was shy at school. I didn’t want to be noticed. I rarely raised my hand to answer questions and I loathed giving presentations. I wanted to make it through the day with as little conflict as possible, counting down until I could go home, boot up my computer, and work on whatever fan-fiction I was writing at the time. I had never gotten a grade below a C, I never caused any disruptions, and my homework was always handed in on time.

But my report card always mentioned the same thing: ‘She daydreams too much. She needs to pay more attention.’

Now, surely, if I had decent grades this shouldn’t have been a problem? I would take notes as diligently as I could, but there’s only so much critical thinking a fourteen-year-old can manage in one day. I liked to create little worlds in my head that I could escape into, and they were often the inspiration for another story that I couldn’t wait to get home and write.

And look at me now. A shiny degree in Creative Writing, who’d have thought. No one tells me off for daydreaming as an adult – people read my dreams and praise me for them. If only those teachers could see me now.

Don’t ever stop daydreaming, you never know where it’ll take you.

Thank you for reading.

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Jade Hadfield
Writers’ Blokke

Morbid and weird. Writing about the bizarreness of the world and my struggles with chronic illness. Check out my other media: