There Is No Better Time To Start Than Now
If you’re waiting for the perfect time to start something, you’ll most likely wait forever
Have you ever wanted to do or start something but just felt like it wasn’t the right time yet? Maybe you’re lacking something which if you had it, will make everything feel perfect.
Or maybe you feel like you’ve passed the stage of doing a certain something because of age or experience, or whatever other reason you give yourself.
I hate to break it to you but those are all just excuses you give yourself because maybe in reality, you’re afraid of things not turning out the way you want them to.
Well, that’s just life in general.
Sometimes things will be exactly the way we want them to be, sometimes better, and sometimes worse.
Nothing will turn out the same all the time.
And life is too short to not go after what you really want.
In the last couple of months, I lost two colleagues and a relative to mental health-related illnesses.
My uncle was 76 years old while my colleagues were 59 and 36 respectively.