Things to do While Waiting for Your Article to be Published

Because I know how it feels

Jennifer Friebely
Writers’ Blokke


All of us writers on Medium have at one time, or another waited for an editor or publisher to get back to us regarding an article draft.

I know the feeling of being excited to have work published — to get it out into the world and have people reading it. You also want to start earning money. Maybe you haven’t posted in a few days and are worried about your momentum.

Sometimes we wonder if the article needs work or if it’s accepted. Other times we’re merely waiting for the piece to be published — and we want to see the stats start to accumulate.

So, what do you do when you are waiting to hear about an article? What you don’t do is email the editor frequently. You also should not insert little editor’s notes into your item every few hours and send those either. Bugging editors and publishers will only push you to the “problem” or “high maintenance” pile — not the “we should read this now” pile.

I’ve put together a fun list to keep you from bugging editors by helping you to stay busy while you are waiting. Here goes:

  1. Brainstorm topics for other articles

