I Can Predict Your Writing Future (true)

You can do it too with this

Ilam Padmanabhan
Writers’ Blokke


The Medium Future Prediction Map — by the author

Ever wondered what would happen in the next few months if you keep going the way you do today?

I think I have an answer for that!

I can predict your future (I think)!

I believe the prediction would work for most people who are looking to create content and make money here. Of course, not everything works for everyone so do take this free advice with a pinch of salt!

Here’s the magic tool. All you have to say is where you are on the map. It’s going to tell you where you’ll go!

The Medium Future Prediction Map — by the author

The quadrants are driven by two factors

1- How often you write

2- How much you focus on learning.

I believe these are the two independent critical factors to succeed.

I acknowledge that many other factors (e.g., luck, timing, etc.) could come into play, but I believe they are peripheral players in achieving success. They may slow you down or make you go faster — but they themselves do not decide if you will succeed or not.



Ilam Padmanabhan
Writers’ Blokke

Love to read and write about Software Engg, Agility, QA, Future of Humanity, AI, Books, Travel, Politics, Climate Change, Personal Finance, Writing & Life!