This is How I Have an Edge on Tim Denning, and You Have it Too

We all have it, and this is something not even Tim could grasp back in 2014

Rui Alves
Writers’ Blokke


Woman typing on an old typewriter.
Photo by Min An from Pexels

Every day thousands of writers are creating stories on the shoulders of the giants that came before us, from Homer to Louise Glück, from Enheduanna to Tim Denning.

Tim does it, and you do it too!

The writing chain

We don’t see it, but there’s a writing chain that binds us all, starting from a time when our ancestors were drawing pictorial reflections of their daily life on cave walls.

It all begins with a red hand stencil in the Maltravieso cave, Spain, 64,000 years ago. Then we move on to Mesopotamia and the first pictorial signs that gave physical form to the Sumerian phonetics.

Hélas, we are but links in a chain that binds all writers together, and we carry the torch and pass it along to those ahead of us, and the chain grows larger and stronger.

The secret link

I have something Tim Denning couldn’t aspire to possess in 2014, and you have it too.

We have Tim Denning!

And not only him. We have all the other highly talented writers who inspire us to go out there…



Rui Alves
Writers’ Blokke

Language teacher, linguist, coach, published author, editor, and international nonfiction book awards judge. Digital ronin, musician, and alchemist of sound.