This Is the Secret of Tim Denning’s Success On Medium

Not the obvious one

Writers’ Blokke


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He writes a LOT. Duh… right? That’s NOT the secret though.

How does he write so much content is the real question? This answer is surprisingly easy.

He recycles his own content all the time.

Another take on it

What do I mean by that? Tim takes a topic and writes a great post about it. He’s witty, he mastered the art of click-worthy headlines, he owns the intro, and he finishes strong. All aspects of a great writer.

But those alone wouldn’t make him successful if he only wrote 1 story per week. At least, not as successful as he is. The key factor is:

He is a master of recycling content. He takes a topic he’s written about in the past and writes a similar post with another take on it.

He does that every few weeks or months. Just take a look at these two stories side by side:

Screenshot by author



Writers’ Blokke

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