This Is Thirty: A Few Thoughts on the Big 3–0

Dr. Jeremy Divinity
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2020


Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

I turn 30 tomorrow, it’s the big 3–0. One of the first things I did to celebrate was I committed to going bald. After cutting off my hair, and although my baldness makes me look like a spitting image of my Dad, I like it. This is 30.

Thirty is one of the monumental birthday years. I’ve always looked at it as when you officially enter into a new phase of adulthood. It’s this transition that causes thirty to also be one of the birthday’s most of us don’t look forward to. Thirty, unlike 18, 21, or even 25, is a transition into a year supposed to define what it means to be a functional adult. For some reason, I’ve always looked forward to turning 30.

Your thirties, to me, is supposed to be when the real growth begins. It’s when you finally know who you are, your purpose, and where you can live and grow into that. Your teens are your teens, and your twenty’s, are well, your twenty’s. During my twenties, I felt like I was walking around the world with my head cut off. The early twenties were a time of great despair, and the mid-twenties were a time of figuring it out.

But in my early twenties, I read a book that would forever change my life called, “The Defining Decade.” The concept of the book is that your twenties are the new thirties. That is that your twenties set you up for the rest of your life. It defines where…



Dr. Jeremy Divinity
Writers’ Blokke

Exploring ways of being. Critical Scholar, Strategist, Writer. Located in Los Angeles @Dr.Yermzus on Instagram.