This One Quote Forced Me to Think About My Association

And I’m grateful that I got to read this

Vedprakash Jangid
Writers’ Blokke
4 min readJul 9, 2021


Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

I am attracted to quotes so much. Especially those which make me reconsider my life and everything within it. They just stick in my mind somehow.

Quotes are powerful. They are so impactful that they can change your thinking, attitude, and behavior. They are the summarized form of deep thoughts and experiences of some great personalities.

And I’m sharing with you one which forced me to think about my association.

That One Quote

That one quote this post is based upon is…

You are the average of five people you spend the most time with. -Jim Rohn

It says that no matter who you are or what you do, you will be affected by those 5 people you hang around with most of the time. It’s inevitable. You will get their qualities (good or bad), flaws, and character. In short, you will be the average of them.

When I read this the first time, I don’t remember exactly when. It was just another quote for me. But it was there in my mind. Then it came to me in different forms again and again through Instagram posts, YouTube videos, books, blogs, etc… and over time it glowed in my mind so well. I even put this quote on my laptop’s wallpaper. And during this period, it made me think about my own association. Who are the five people, other than my family, I spend my most time with?

It has helped me to choose, precisely, people I should separate myself from and also those I should seek to be around with most of the time. It may sound selfish, but it’s not and even if it is, then too, it’s fine. Everybody wants to be around good people and there is nothing wrong with that. When you are in a bad company, you reflect the same attributes wherever you go and that impacts others as well.

Hold On and Observe

This is going to be a bit hard. Who are these five people in your life (other than your family)? What kind of group are you in? Is your group talking about growth, success, inspiration, fitness? Do they eat healthy food, read good books? Are they hard-working, passionate, optimistic, and obsessive about their goals? You know where it’s going. Let’s call it Category A.

There is category B also which includes people who are careless about their health, are lazy, always waste their time here and there, have no life goals, no purpose, always talk negative, blame others, criticize, don’t take responsibilities of their own, and make you feel drained off, demotivated, and tired.

Observe carefully, and make a better decision. Because want it or not, you will find yourself doing the same things they do if you remain in their company for long enough.

I read about the influence of association in a book called The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy and it perfectly explains everything. Here is a small portion of that:-

Rohn would say we could tell the quality of our health, attitude, and income by looking at the people around us. The people with whom we spend our time determine what conversations dominate our attention, and to which attitudes and opinions we are regularly exposed. Eventually, we start to eat what they eat, talk like they talk, read what they read, think like they think, watch what they watch, treat people how they treat them, even dress like they dress. The funny thing is, more often than not, we are completely unaware of the similarities between us and our circle of five.

Now some of you might be thinking about your friends. Let me help. If most of your friends come under category B, then, in my opinion, you should limit your association with them and make some new friends who fall into category A. I’m not saying you detach yourself completely from them. After all, they are friends. What I’m saying is try not to spend most of your time with them.

Make sure you stay away from toxic people. Because they will tell you every possible reason why you won’t be successful in your field, they will drag you down to their level. These people act like they know everything while the reality is just the opposite.

Therefore, surround yourself with people who motivate you, guide you, teach you, people you can learn from, people you admire.


The dream in your heart may be bigger than the environment in which you find yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of that environment to see that dream fulfilled. It’s like planting an oak sapling in a pot. Once it becomes rootbound, its growth is limited. It needs a great space to become a mighty oak. So do you. -Darren Hardy

You can find groups in which everybody has more or less the same thoughts, same perception, and attitude. In fact, they are the perfect example of this quote. So, simply put, if those five people are high achievers, great personalities, hard-working, smart, intelligent, then you will be the sixth with the same qualities.

So, if you want to improve in business, academics, finances, health, relationships, etc. Find people who are already doing great in these areas, join their group and just don’t leave it. And do examine the company in which you already are.

