Stop Tolerating And Start Creating

Michele Attias
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
7 min readJan 7, 2020


There’s a bank clerk that hovers by the entrance to my local bank. I tend to pause and have a conversation with him each time I enter to make a deposit.

I’m always baffled by his response to my question of “How are things?” which is always met with the same sigh of hopelessness and surrender.

Every so often he adds a twist, but it’s generally a concoction of answers based on a central theme centered around “All the same, you know, I’m still alive and breathing I guess, but nothing has changed.”

This guy is not incapacitated in any way. In fact, he couldn’t be older than thirty-five years old in my estimation.

It’s the passivity of his statement that gets to me: resigned, impotent, and surrendered.

Having heard the same answer for the past few years, I couldn’t resist the urge to finally ask, “Surely you want more than just to be breathing?”

He added a dose of extra swagger towards his response by answering “Perhaps I’ll win the lottery, who knows?” He looked up as if waiting for the bank vaults to open and the money to pour through the ceiling.

“Have you bought a lottery ticket?” I asked.



Michele Attias
Writers’ Blokke

Creative Writer & Author of ‘Look Inside: Stop Seeking Start Living’.