Three Groundbreaking Questions That Will Bring Your Writing Alive

Deliver great writing deliberately

Matthew Prince
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash

Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying, “If you don’t plan, you plan to fail.” There is a world of truth in that sentence.

When I started out writing, my writing process went something like this: I get an idea, I pick up my laptop, open my word document, and I start to write. All I had to do is develop the piece of an idea into a full-length article. While that is a great thing to do if you are already an experienced writer, it is a terrible thing to do if you are still trying to get better at writing, as a beginner writer or a writer with less experience.

One who is still trying to get better has to be deliberate. There is no reliance on luck, intuition, or flow to push you into the level of a skilled writer. That is where planning comes to play in the writing process.

There is no better way to plan than to ask yourself some intelligent questions. These answers will direct you on the path to writing better articles and essays.

1, Who Wants to Read This Article?

Is there a market for the content you are writing? If not, who is going to read your work? If you are writing it for yourself, that is fine. That will be a guide to the…



Matthew Prince
Writers’ Blokke

I am a writer who is trying to understand the world. I write on philosophy, psychology, social justice, and everything else. For more info: