13 Time Management Tips for Writers

Here are some tips to make the most of each day.

Jason Aro
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

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Some authors write a lot faster than others. Lucky them. But many authors get writer’s block and stress over their work. Still other struggle to meet their deadlines.

Time management can help solve these issues. Here are some tips to make the most of each day.

1. Set a Schedule

Try to write at the same time every day, a couple of times a day, if you are juggling it with a day job and other activities.

2. Use a Timer

Set an egg timer or an online timer for 25 minutes. Don’t do anything but write. Take a 5-minute break, then give yourself another 25 minutes. Continue in this manner for each writing session.

3. Set a Goal for Each Session

Decide what you want to work on and focus on that. You might be writing additional words for your novel, for example, or editing…



Jason Aro
Writers’ Blokke

Credited Music Producer/Writer. Topics: Money, Passive Income, Health, Improvement, Life, Music Business. Support Here: https://medium.com/@JasonAro/membership