To Suffer From Poor Joints

Writers’ Blokke
Published in
1 min readJan 8, 2022
A Photo of a Slug. @

Seriously! Oh Lord help me!
My joints! My everything!
My cramps! My muscles!
They’re so sore! Let me free!

My back! My back!
Curse those ligaments!
Those strings that pull!

My breathe! My breathe!
One breathe, now multiple!
They stagger like ratatata,
A retarded spectrum between calm and laughter!
Just pick one darn it!

Warmth is needed.
But where to find warmth in negative degree weather?

Someone please, unironically step on me.
A man, a child, a lady preferably, but it doesn’t matter!
I need a weight on my shoulders to counteract,
Well whatever muscled spirit in the whole’s giving me pain!

Curse the gym!
Curse self-improvement!
Curse meditation in the mountains!
I need to jump and run myself into a wall!
Crack my head! Make gravity the weight!
Pull me back down to the hard Earth!

…Perhaps I ought to lay off the coffee.

Because I feel like punching something.
Too much energy. I want to fly, elbow a wall,
Wrestle a person up and slam them to the ground.
But no, that’d be too weird in public.

I’m already mad by conventional standards.
So I’ll just type fire on the keyboard instead.
Cause at least someone’s getting exercise!



Writers’ Blokke

A guy who learns things. I exercise, dance in the rain, and read a lot of old books. Enjoy.