Today Was a Great Day

Midnight Motivation From a Sleep-Deprived Entrepreneur

Matt Davis
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readMar 14, 2021


Duc Quang Tran — Pixabay

After several long months of trying to wrap my head around Facebook ads, I think I have it figured out.

After having my ads account initially disabled (annoying) and my commerce account being rejected the first several times.

So after jumping through those circus hoops with Facebook support and learning the confusing differences between an ad account, a business manager account, and a commerce account — I just finished creating my first Facebook ad.

Okay, well, not my first, but my first few attempts at running ads were horrible.

And that’s mostly because Facebook's advertising platform is a lot more difficult to learn and navigate than you may think.

But luckily, the worst part of my learning curve is complete.

And that is because I decided to spend the day devoted to completing that ad once I got going on it, which was about 4 or 5 hours ago — with dinner and a shower thrown in there.

Now it’s 11:46.

I’m writing because although I just finished creating what I’ll consider an artistic masterpiece for my business — spending the day doing that isn’t necessarily in line with my goals for this month.

My goals for this month are to write and publish on Medium every single day.

And I’m technically already a day behind, so I did not want to fall behind a second day.

So here I am, easily 12 hours of work into the day, trying to keep my promise to my followers by providing any value that I can to you wonderful people before I smack my head against the pillow.

But since I’m exhausted and don’t feel sugarcoating anything for you this evening — here’s the value.

Upfront, with no sob story to go with it. Even though those are useful in the motivational sphere.

The no drama, late-night motivation, if you will.

The one-liner that will keep you up the rest of the evening, deep in thought — ready tackle the next morning as soon as the sun rises:

God loves you.

Yup, you. Whoever you are.

Right there, wherever you are in your house.

Or maybe you’re not at your house.

You could be on the bus, in your car, or standing in line at Wal-mart.

I’m not sure. And it doesn’t really matter.

What matters is that God loves you.

And I believe he has a purpose for your life. Whether you believe it or not is up to you.

So stay positive. Look for the reasons to be happy. Look for the reasons to be grateful.

To smile and wave at a stranger for no reason at all.

And to keep chipping away at whatever is it, you are meant to do in life, even if it hasn’t paid off yet.

And even if you don’t know what it is that you meant to do, keep chippin’ anyways.

Cause you got this whole life thing.

I know it’s one tough mother-fucker at times.

But you have to be a tougher-mother-fucker.

Ya know what I mean? Cause what else are you gonna do?

Give up and die? Declare your life a wasted attempt? Allow the negative influences of your own mind to take over and make you weak and doubtful and scared and insecure?


We can’t have that now.

That’s not the life you were meant to live. You’re stronger than that.

You were made for more than that.

I’m not saying every day has to have roses and sunshine in it.

Nobody wants roses and sunshine every day.

That would get kind of dull after awhile.

But make sure that when it is raining, or when you do feel like giving up, or when you don’t see the returns on the business you started, or when you do get your heartbroken, or lose your job, or lose your home — that God loves you.

And he has a plan for your life.

Goodnight, friends.


