Tools to Start Online Writing if You Are a Beginner

Less is more

Writer's Dream
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readMar 15, 2024


A few free tools to start writing online daily.
<a href=”">Content Writing Vectors by Vecteezy</a>

Simplicity is the recipe for online writing.
And in life.

I read many articles to learn the writing tools.

I used many but left all of them.


It created mental overhead to know about these tools.

I shifted my focus from improving writing to choosing tools.

I did not think about building and growing my email list as I was busy exploring all the fancy tools.

Soon, I gave up because I failed to write a lot due to time constraints.

One weekend, I sat down quietly and focused only on writing until I built my email list.

So, what are the tools I am using now?

#1. Any editing platform

Editing is like a sibling of writing. If you are a beginner writer, focus on writing grammatically correct content.

I use the unpaid version of Grammarly. Initially, I thought I would take the paid version, but then I changed my mind to learn from the mistakes they pointed out.

This way, I learned to write an almost correct ‘Grammarly’ article.

You can use any other editing tools.

#2. Google sheet

You will need a content management tool to track all your published and unpublished content. It helps to give you a snapshot of the content repository.

I started using Notion. But I have switched to Google Sheets.

Reason: Simplicity

#3. One writing platform

If you are a beginner, start with one writing platform and consistently publish at least 3 to 4 articles weekly(including short-form).

I wanted to publish eight long-form articles, but I failed.

I can do a maximum of 4 articles, including short-form.

Do not try to write on multiple writing platforms. You will scatter your focus in different directions.

#4. One social media platform

Once you have written an article, the next job is to promote it. Use any one social media platform that you like.

Write 2–3 short posts daily and engage with those posts where you resonate.

Pro tip: When you add a reply, do not just say how helpful the post is. Try to add a few lines that will add value to the post.

#5. Phone’s note app

You cannot write more if you create a writing ritual scheduled for a specific time of the day in one place.

You prepare to fail if you think you can only write in that favorite place of your room or that cafe.


You will get writing ideas throughout the day. If you do not note, it will fly away when you sit at your writing desk.

If you start with a blank page, it will frustrate you most of the time.

To avoid these, write all the ideas you get throughout the day in your phone’s note app. Sometimes, you can structure your article in the note app. This way, you will not feel the pain of staring at the blank page.

Final Takeaway

This strategy has helped me to focus on other important stuff in writing.

  1. Connecting with other writers
  2. Understanding what is the pain point of the readers
  3. Aiming to write more
  4. Learning to write impactful tweet posts.

Click here to get online writing tips for beginners.

