Top Reasons To Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Why a little less certainty could be good for you.

Adam J. Cheshier
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Blake Wheeler on Unsplash

We can all get stuck in a rut sometimes, particularly at the moment where every day feels like groundhog day. We can feel like we aren’t challenging ourselves, learning any new skills, and not achieving anything.

If you find that you are in this mindset it could be time that you stepped out of your comfort zone.

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary, but it can turn out to be one of the best things you will ever do. If you decide to take up a hobby you’ve always wanted but never done such as skiing or fishing, it is a good idea to check you have all the right equipment such as good skis and lures for red drum if this is what you will be fishing for.

These are just a few reasons that you should step out of your comfort zone and how it can help you.

1. It helps you grow

If you always stick to what you know, how are you ever going to get better? Sooner or later you will know exactly what you are doing and it will come to you like second nature.

If you do this you won’t get any better, so it is a good idea to turn your sights to brand new skills, sights, and experiences that you might not have tried before. While it…



Adam J. Cheshier
Writers’ Blokke

Documenting obscure pockets of the world across long-distance overland expeditions. Recently celebrated 7 years of nomadism.