Traits of a High Value Woman, According to Old Hollywood

What makes a timeless woman?

Isabella Lahoue
Writers’ Blokke


The female protagonist in many an old American movie — portrayed often by Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, or Ingrid Bergman, to name a few — is a very unique sort of woman.

It wasn’t just the time or place in which she lived that made her special, though. It was the way she lived her life and presented herself to the world. If there is anything I’ve learned from watching them in action so much, it is that.

They weren’t perfect — in fact, many of these characters were sometimes problematic in their respective films, depending on the situations they encountered.

They shouldn’t be idolized and their lives shouldn’t be romanticized completely. Rather, they were role models in small ways to the women that tuned in. And they encourage modern women to romanticize their own lives.

“The Dick Van Dyke Show”

Simplicity & Grace

Simplicity is an ubiquitous principle in the high-class woman’s life; it is a virtue of the highest esteem.



Isabella Lahoue
Writers’ Blokke

Realtor, Psychology student, avid reader, personal development junkie.