Do You Write? Then Format

Make your articles accessible on any device!

Ivona Hirschi
Writers’ Blokke
5 min readFeb 1, 2022


Image by Derick Anies on Unsplash

How long have you been on Medium? I have been here for the past year or so. Have you found your way of writing? I have. My 50+ articles have the same structure — Title + 3 paragraphs, title + 3 paragraphs, etc.

Well… the problem is that the boat has sailed.

What I noticed recently (yes, it usually takes me a while to understand the change) is that I don’t read on the pc anymore. I open articles on my phone or tablet.

Am I the only one like that? Sure, I am not. But I somehow did not get that my audience might do the same.

That was a shocking discovery.

Why? Because I write on the pc and expected it is also read on the pc. So, I do a test. I open my article on the phone. Here is how it looks:

Courtesy of Ivona Hirschi on Medium

The picture is pretty, the title is there. So far, so good. Let’s read now. I am curious:

Courtesy of Ivona Hirschi on Medium

That is not looking good, does it? Seeing the first lines, I am becoming concerned. The content is there. After all, this was one of the articles I was truly proud of, but it is quite busy. Then I continue:

Courtesy of Ivona Hirschi on Medium

Ok, I have a problem here! I’m honestly bored by the amount of the text. It is a complete disaster. Only a true bookworm would read further. I guess it is possible, but not when you have 5 min on the bus.

You can immediately start doing these 3 things:

1. Test your work on multiple devices

The take-out of my little experiment is that writers indeed should test how their work looks on different devices. The content matters, but it is the form that makes your writing accessible.

Think about my article. It did not work on the phone. Last year it could, but this year I believe more and more articles will be on a higher eye-catching level.

You get the point now. Think outside of the box when working on your paragraphs. You don’t write a novel. So, make it as accessible as possible.

2. Play with fonts, style, and creative elements

Many people on Medium mastered it already. Yet, it can be a bit harder to internalize for some writers. We operate with words. Words are our main tool. So, how the format falls into them?

Format adds drama.

Format entertains.

Format gives you credibility.

Format helps you to put your points across.

Format points source out:

There are many ways how to put gold on your jewelry. Luckily, Medium is well equipped with formatting possibilities. What is missing, you can add as a picture. Easy, peasy.

Image by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

Do you feel overwhelmed?

No need to panic. You can go step by step. Start with bolding the key points. Highlight the important parts. This helps readers to quickly sken over the text. Let them find what they need!

Value the time your audience gives you, even if only a few seconds. The fast-paced environment of internet blogging needs creative ways how to engage with people.

Give them what they need.

3. Break down your paragraphs

Have you done any writing courses? If so, you may have heard that you should write as you speak. Conversational style is another way how to make your content accessible.

So, why do you write long paragraphs?

Maybe you like listening to yourself. But readers need some breaks. Write as you would do. But then go back and break the lines. Make the key points STAND OUT.

The issue is that you may find the light structure weird at first. It can look too light and you will doubt if that is making anything to your article.

Well, in such a case, check it on the tablet or the phone.

Do you see it now?

How do your words pop? Amazing now? I dare to say more is paying more as opposed to less is more. Not with formatting. Not this time.

Don’t be afraid of going wild! More is more.


I love Andy Warhol. Before he became famous, he looked like a normal guy rushing to work. You would not notice him. He wanted to be taken seriously.

He wanted to be an artist.

To achieve that, he had to ‘put on Warhol’. He had black glasses, a simple T-shirt, black jeans, and a leader jacket. Eventually also an over-the-top silver wig.

It is not any different with writing.

You need to style it.

Break your text. Use bold formatting. Test it on devices and the result will be magical. Perhaps even more audience start to pouring in…

