Use the Unfollow Button

Daniel Silva
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
1 min readJan 26, 2022
Image from Canva

Social Media can do more harm than good to your mental health, so dare to unfollow accounts that make you feel like you ain't enough.

Unfortunately, this is more common than what people think.

Instagram, for example, is a highlight real of people’s lives. The backstage, is more often than not, as broken as yours.

Regardless, through unrealistic comparisons, people develop serious mental illness.

You might even find yourself feeling ostracized if responses don’t happen immediately, according to science.

Negative body image is also something that spreads like wildfire through Social Media.

Seeing so many people who are arguably perfect on a daily basis makes you conscious of how different you look.

To cope with this, people tend to tenfold their lives or even bluntly lie for the sake of likes and a wrong sense of self-worth.

It’s really important that you learn how to use the Unfollow button. So after reading this, make sure you go cleanse your Social Media.

Inspired by a fellow creator, I decided to challenge myself to publish 100 short-form articles within January. This is article number 53.

