Victoria Herbert is on the Road Again!

Humorist, Adventurer, Producer, and Philanthropist

Phyllis Haynes
Writers’ Blokke


In a world that puts so much attention on celebrities and outlandish behavior one of the best ways to bring attention to important environmental and human survival issues is to build a platform that gets attention. Comedy and sheer fun is a good way to accomplish this.

Victoria Herbert producer, humorist, and philanthropist is on the road again with her show: All That Buzz with Victoria. She will entertain us and highlight key issues.

“You can have fun and make a difference. I am not the first to do it. I am inspired by so many comedians who point us towards important information like John Stewart, Trevor Noah, Sarah Silverman, and Chelsea Handler.”

Victoria brings her own brand of humor.

She believes that her take on a “slice of life with a little spice” will be intriguing and sometimes hilarious.

Her new season of specials begins with a behind the scenes romp with improv actors at the Broadway comedy club.

“As a long time producer and arts enthusiast I have a real love for actors and what they do. I love going behind the scenes, meeting them, and even working with them. This group of improv actors are all over our television and theater…

