What Does Separation From A Sibling Feel Like?

My sister moved to Berlin seven months ago, and I don’t know how I'm taking it

Nivedita Basu
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readMay 22, 2022


Image provided by the author

Running Late

I know I’ve been quite irregular with my stories lately. After reading articles on the changing algorithm of Medium, and a plethora of changes that are unknown to the authors themselves, I was taken aback. My stories hardly reach people. So the coming of these mysterious circumstances doesn’t paint a happy picture. Looking at top authors who quit writing on Medium, I doubted whether I should continue blogging here.

However, as you see, I’m back. I will continue writing stories whenever I can, and I don’t care about the Medium algorithm. If my story is interesting, it’ll reach people anyways.

Growing apart

The house was filled with suitcases and clothes all over the place. That’s when I knew I had to make up my mind. After twenty years of sharing a room, clothes, eating food from each other's plates, fighting, and a lot more, I started preparing myself to face the inevitable. As grueling as it was to deal with my emotions, I knew she would be in a better place.

The two of us have grown and changed as people over the past few months. From meeting new people, new experiences, changing perspectives, traveling, exploring likes and dislikes, to finding a new home.

The dynamics of our relationship have changed drastically. I find myself giving my two cents of advice to her, sharing the most intimate of stories and it goes the other way round too. There have been times when we’ve cried to each other and choked on our laughter.

Mind you, we had never been this way.

It’s funny how when people are taken away from each other, they tend to get intimate. Paradoxical, no?

“Through blood and sweat, from soulmates to enemies, I will be there for you, always and forever.”

Image provided by the author

Days apart

It took some time to hit me that the one person who was there through my ups and downs was more than four thousand miles away. The realization came in those little things. I didn’t know whom to surprise or annoy. But I always admired her grit and resilience. I couldn’t be more proud that her longing to explore an independent life turned into reality.

To answer the question I asked you, separation feels like adulting. Being pushed into reality without prior notice and approval.

*wished she was back to being a kid.*

For someone who’s in her early 20s, it’s one of those phases of ‘figuring out’ what to do in life and of course regretting some major choices. While this exists, acknowledging the failures, healing, and growing from there is something that I've learned over the past few months.

This picture was taken one day apart in November 2021. Espresso on one side and steaming dosa on the other. Mismatched time zones, and location, but the similarity of this picture makes me jittery.

I can never conclude how I’m taking the separation because it’s lifelong and it’s all about learning and taking life as it comes.

Ahh, I got too serious there?

To lighten up the mood, I almost blinded my older sibling with a pencil because she was ignoring her four-year-old sister. You deserve a laugh after all that nostalgic and emo talk.

I’d love to hear stories about how you felt when your sibling left home to a place so far that you’d have to ask when you can call them, haha. 😄

Looking forward to reading some in the comments below!

*sibling hug*


