What I Learned about Headlines from Cleaning Cat Urine

If you make a promise, keep it

Anneliese Rider
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Li Lin on Unsplash

A few months ago, our barn cat had five kittens. Precious, rolly-polly, and curious as they were, it didn’t seem prudent to let the mama have another litter, so we made an appointment to have her spayed. The closest clinic with openings was 45 minutes away.

The drive to her appointment was uneventful, and at 1:00 p.m. they called to tell us she would be be ready for pickup between 3:30 and 4:30. When we arrived to retrieve her, the employee who handed her off to me gave me a warning.

“Just so you know, the sedative can make them nauseous.”

Passing the warning on to Curtis, I handed him our visibly drugged kitty. She curled up in his lap and immediately closed her eyes in a sleepy stupor. We decided the vet’s warning was unnecessary, and determined that surely the sedative hadn’t had any ill effects on her. It seemed like all she wanted to do was sleep.

We were wrong.

A little way into our ride, Brave woke up and started moving around on Curtis’ lap. What he assumed was an adjustment to get comfortable was actually a move to get in the right position to do something much less cute: urinate.



Anneliese Rider
Writers’ Blokke

Published author, freelance writer and editor, biking enthusiast, and blogger at annelieserider.com.