What I Learned Moving 20 Times in 30 Years

Use this to save yourself time, money, and regret.

Courtney Leigh
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet. — Rachel Wolchin

There’s a skill to moving, and I don’t mean packing the fancy crystal glasses so they don’t break. Inevitably, you’re forced to decide which things must go and which are deemed precious or useful enough to stay. Making the right choice is not always easy.

Knowing what to expect can save you time, money, and regret. Each time I moved, I learned something.

Since I’m not a diplomat or the partner of one, I only had the help of movers for two out of 20 moves. Packing your bags and meeting your things on the other side is a luxury, but it’s not always an option.

Here are some insights I’ve gained from over twenty moves.

You never really know how much stuff you accumulate until you move house. — Anyone who’s ever moved.

It takes twice as long as you think.

Unless you want to make an unplanned deposit at Goodwill or the garbage dump, double the time you think it will take.

When I moved out of a one-bedroom apartment in Florida once, I thought, “This place is small, and it’s all…

