What If You Were Fired Tomorrow?

Jeremy Adcock
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2024


Photo by Benjamin DeYoung on Unsplash

If I were fired tomorrow, I would take the next working day off, unless I was fired on a Friday. The day after, I’d put a few things in order: my resume, my freelance portfolio, and my Medium article ideas.

Resume Update (Day 1)

I’d put my resume together for part or full time work, and start applying locally. This job would be something to pay the bills, not something that I would want to do forever.

That said, it could be a job bagging groceries at the local store, or food service at any of the local restaurants, or substitute teaching at the local high school.

I might have to grow out my hair Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

I’d also continue applying for remote work. There are lots of interesting jobs out there, including administrative work which I now have experience doing.

Why would I put work into a resume instead of working online? I think of my resume as a safety net. I know I can get work in real life. I don’t know that I can get work online.

Freelance Portfolio Next

My freelance portfolio is, quite frankly, a mess. I don’t know who my ideal client is. Even using someone else’s work as a…



Jeremy Adcock
Writers’ Blokke

I'm a former educator who's picked up a few tools and tricks here and there.