What is feminism?

Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2023

Is it still seeking that women are treated like human beings?

When Chimamanda said: "we should all be feminist”, I agreed without blinking an eye but after realizing that some feminists take feminism to also mean amongst other definitions and beliefs, that you do not need a man, and to prove it , you must never get married or take a man’s last name but only make money and be extremely successful financially, live successfully by yourself until you die (so that you are not under the tyranny of men), I began to question what feminism really is.

Valentina Conde, Unsplash

And I think it is unfair to call such people feminists as well.

In a world where definitions are debated daily and each person can come up with their own, I dare to also throw in my own definition or at the minimum, explanation to what I think a feminist should be:

someone who wishes and fights to see women given all rights appropriate to human beings. (Rights to life, access to opportunities, respect, protection, voice, love…)

Photo by Wedding Dreamz on Unsplash

There is no other creation on the planet earth that has to give up love because they have a certain right. Right to love and have a family is part of human rights. And whether one believes in God or not, even nature would show you that animals are created 2 by 2. There is always a female and a male for them to recreate or have their own form of family. So, to believe that women feminists should also, never have a husband, be lonely, successful and deprive themselves of what truly matters just to prove some point is unbelievable to me.

And I am not saying being in a relationship solves loneliness issues. I am saying that true love in the very sense of the word will dissipate all kinds of issues… It will definitely make you happier than being alone, strengthen your immune system, it will make life experience better by miles than having a fat bank account and be at the top of your career. If you disagree with this, wait until you meet love, the love that is not a Hollywood movie but that is just what it is supposed to be: love.

Love is the central antidote to chaos.

Life is not enjoyed at the extremes. It is meant to be balanced. Have a career (whatever career balances with the rest of your life), have money but also have love. That is the right combination. Not just money and affluence. Check the lives of the richest men… Some may be rich and divorced today and not be married but are with someone. We are social beings; we need to connect and be loved.

Don’t let people deceive you if you are a woman. Feminism is not what people have turned it out to be. It is simply seeking that women are treated as the human beings that we are. You don't need to be 65 and alone to realize that. Pick your priorities right.

Jessica Rockowits, Unplash



Writers’ Blokke

With the hope of leaving the world better than I found it, I talk about divorce, equality, marriage, women related issues and anything that lingers on my mind.