What is Medium’s Boost Program — Actually?

And should you even care in 2024?

Writers’ Blokke


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In short: Medium’s Boost program is a way for the platform to highlight and promote high-quality stories to a wider audience.

The goal is to reward great writing and help stories find more readers, regardless of the author’s existing audience size.

So far, so good.

But let’s take a closer look at how Medium Boost works in 2024 and what it means for writers.

How Medium Boosts Stories

In the past, Medium relied on human editors (“curators”) to select the best stories to showcase. This was called “curation.”

Later, Medium shifted to an algorithmic “distribution” model. But in 2022, Medium brought back a human touch with the new Medium Boost program.

Here’s how it works:

  • Community nominators — A select group of publication editors on Medium can nominate stories for a Boost. They are called “community curators.”
  • Internal reviewMedium’s own editorial team vets the nominated stories.
  • Algorithmic distribution — If a story passes the internal review, Medium’s…



Writers’ Blokke

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