What It’s Like Being a Virtual Assistant

And why I recommend it, even though I hung up my VA hat a year ago

Corrie Alexander
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Alizée Baudez on Unsplash

My journey into the world of online business began with freelance writing. I found my first gig through Craigslist and earned $25 per 500-word article. Writing for money was a brand new concept for me and, honestly, I wasn’t very good at it. I would agonize over headlines, intros, and conclusions for hours. As a result, it would sometimes take me days just to write one short article. Nevertheless, I had been bitten by the freelance bug and I wanted more.

Eventually, I got better and was able to add higher-paying clients to my roster. But I was still a painfully slow writer and found myself wondering if there was an easier way to work online without facing the drudgery of writer’s block every other day.

That’s when I decided to try my hand at Virtual Assisting.

What Exactly is a Virtual Assistant?

Traditionally, VA work is admin-based remote work. But these days, it’s become an umbrella term for any freelancer who offers an online service. There are virtual assistants who specialize in all areas of online business, such as social media, email management, project management, podcast assisting, and graphic design.



Corrie Alexander
Writers’ Blokke

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