What Makes you Want To Write?

Find Your Purpose Through Writing

Isabel Young
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readMar 2, 2022


Photo by Victoria Borodinova from Pexels

Why Do People Write?

There are many reasons why people write.

Some people write to express themselves

Some people write to share their thoughts and experiences with others and the desire to create something that will last

Others just want to make money

Why Do You Write? Have You Found Your Purpose?

Some people who write are looking for a creative outlet.

Are you looking for a way to express yourself ?

Do you just want an escape from reality?

Writing Can be Therapeutic

Writing can be a form of therapy — because it allows you to get all of your thoughts out without having to talk or interact with other people.

Some other writers are interested in sharing their thoughts and experiences with others in the form of writing essays, articles, novels, or even poetry.

These writers have the goal of making an impact on the world through their work and they want readers to learn something from what they have written.

What is Meaningful Purpose?

Meaningful Purpose is the reason for living. It is what makes life worth living. It is what gives life meaning.

A meaningful purpose can be anything that gives your life meaning and satisfaction, like helping others, making a difference in the world, and making a contribution to society.

Have you found your meaningful purpose in writing?

Do You Know What Your Purpose Is?

Everyone has a purpose in life

Your purpose may be to raise a family, to help people, or to make the world a better place.

Meaningful Purpose is the pursuit of

what you want out of life.

What do you want to do with your time here on earth?

It’s about finding your own personal meaning and living it every day.

Find Your Meaningful Purpose

What do you love?

What are you good at?

What needs are not being met in the world that need solving?

What can you do every day that would make someone else’s life better?

How to Pursue Meaningful Purpose in Your Life

Set Goals That Actually Matter:

It is a common misconception that

Achieving goals is the key to happiness.

The truth is, when we take a step back and think about it, we realize that there are other things in our lives that are more important.

It’s not about having the perfect life, but

Rather living a life full of meaning and significance.

We can achieve this by setting goals that matter to us as individuals.

Goals that have meaning and significance for us personally and goals that have meaning for others.

Final thoughts — Your Purpose For Writing:

People write for a variety of reasons.

Writing to express your feelings or opinions on a certain topic.

Writing can be an outlet for your emotions

A way to cope with different aspects of your life.

What you think will affect your success in writing.

Meditation Can Help You Find Yourself & Your Purpose:

Meditation is an ancient practice that has been around for thousands of years.

It is a form of mindfulness that requires a person to sit in silence and focus on their breath.

It has been proven that meditation can have positive effects on the mind and body, such as reduced stress levels, lower blood pressure, better sleep and improved mood.

Find Your Purpose & Enjoy The Journey!



Isabel Young
Writers’ Blokke

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves. https://linktr.ee/beyoung2