What Will Make the Decision to Better Yourself Final?

When attempt after attempt seems to get you nowhere.

Sara Eliza
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

This began as a question for myself, one I seemed to be asking more often than I wanted. I had once again mapped out a six-week plan in which I would attempt to improve pretty much all areas of my life. You might point out right away that focusing on one area at a time is a better approach. Trust me, I know. I’ve tried many angles, but none get me quite as enthused as framing out an all-or-nothing game plan. So I did this, and once again, I realized it is way more fun to fantasize about the goals than to actually follow through on them. I sat there and wondered, what would make this one different from all the other failed attempts?

Every time starts the same, with unbridled enthusiasm for the possibility that lies ahead. But as the days and weeks wear on, and I never quite live up to my expectations, the hope that I ever will fades. Sometimes I can pinpoint exactly what has tripped me up, sometimes it’s a series of events that throw me off track, and sometimes the motivation just fizzles into thin air one day. Regardless of what halted my progress the previous times, I always come back to similar goals and believe deep down that one day I will do it right.

