When You’ve Hit A Dry Spell

with your words

A. N. Tipton
Writers’ Blokke


Image by 4657743 from Pixabay

Have you ever experienced those times when the words refuse to come out and play with you? The blank page, the blinking cursor taunts you as your brain or heart tries to emerge some freaking kind of emotion or thought onto the page. But to no avail.




Blankness becomes your friend. It’s extremely frustrating.

This is what I’ve been going through. And the funny thing is, my brain is constantly creating stories and ideas in my head, but when I sit down to write…poof. Gone.

And I wonder, am I broken?

I see all my writer friends post piece after piece Medium and other online platforms, and I ask myself, how do they all have the time? Between my day job, taking care of a family, getting my kid ready for the new school year and fighting all the crowded places in my brain, I’m spent.

My Inner Critic whispers sly doubts into my ear, but we’ve played this game before, and I’m not feeding into it. Nope, not this time. My muse jumps on my shoulder, hands on hips, ready to defend me. I feel like going after my Inner Critic like that Fairy in the movie Bright.

Don’t worry, I contain myself.



A. N. Tipton
Writers’ Blokke

I am a Writer, a Lover of Books, a Mother & an Usui Reiki Master who loves to read & write & all things Universal. Words move me, inform me, inspire me.