Where Do You Stand?

Sandi Sipe
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
9 min readJul 24, 2021
Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

Are peace and love possible in a society separated by the categorization of political and social class?

I wanted to test my theory; is it possible to have unity and growth among the world’s people during the 21st Century? Historians will record the decade of 2020s as screwed up.

What will support these horrible words from historians?

The writers of history will document the “Keep my money and not pay taxes” attitudes of the coterie group of the top one percent. However, they are willing to ‘invest’ in other countries to build some enormous corporation for a foreign economy when ours is in the fire pit

Fact number two, the writers will record the idleness and shenanigans of the corrupt politicians sitting upon some moral white high-horse of privilege and deceit. It will also be written that they were not held accountable for their active part in this mess we live in today. Example: The sitting man of power in Congress sat upon many bi-partisan bills that would benefit many American families. Then, their leader, an immorally corrupt man who failed at business and filed for bankruptcy. His “I’m the only one who can do it..” mantra got old quickly when he produced no results but constant lies. This man instead turned out to be the biggest instigator of the division. He is an opportunist who found ways to fill his bankrupt accounts. If you are part of his circle of friends, and you benefited, kudos to you, but keep this piece of information in your head crew; the man doesn’t care about you. He planned to compensate him. You got lucky. In his wake, the country became divided into a few categories that require repair. Social standing- not since the 18th Century have we seen social status stand out so far. Maybe I’m blind to this kind of discrimination. Maybe, I did not want to join such groups of deceitful people. The nation, separated by race, which racism is on the rise and not just in the African American Community — lately, the Asian Americans are being assaulted and killed.

Caution, in my opinion, this man will throw his family under the bus and allow them to be convicted and put into jail for crimes he authorized. He will do this instead of admitting his guilt and facing the consequences of his actions.

In the Holy Bible, the white horse was one of death and sickness. Is that not an interesting fact? Positive changes aren’t only needed but desired desperately. Where do you stand? With change for the positive or for the greedy? The ‘Good Book’ has many written verses in which our Heavenly Father, his Son Jesus Christ, and the prophets of old have all said, “the world will be destroyed by men.”

How will man destroy the earth?

One way and the world has witnessed firsthand is man’s corruption. The almighty dollar will cause even ‘’good people’ to make bad choices. Then there is the natural man’s defiant and even deviant behaviors. Showing disrespect to other people who are different; economic differences, racial differences, or social disparity can be areas that cause bias and eventual anger or hatred. More of the Seven Deadly Sins of man is vanity, gluttony aka greed, lies, cheating, adultery, etc. These sins are forgiven through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, but the consequences for such sins are high.

Despite it all, I want to believe, no, I need to have faith that we can put away this growing anger toward one another. We can forgive our petty differences and feel equal and be of the same. Is this so hard to obtain? Can this be accomplished?

Where do you stand?

Three of us spent two hours at the table reading the answerers/opinions and recorded the results. Dreadfully, the conclusions were disturbing and heartbreaking. The poll opened my eyes. I thought that America was open to begin a healing trek having the desire to meet and talk with one another and get to a healthy and helpful unification. I was wrong. :(

Hang onto hope because there is good news. There have been some positive changes in the world today.

In Donald Trump’s time as President of the United States, he implied that there were good people on both sides of the racial coin. Maybe there are, and these people are the ones we need to address to find common ground between the masses and grow from this point as people, friends, and American citizens.

This nation can reunite in three ways; economic, financial, and emotional. Here’s how. We can rebuild in the hope and spirit faith for financial mercy or grace. Invest in a local business. We find success and allies in the corporate world that can build us up.

We can gain an emotional connection through proper education for our future children so all can strive for better outcomes. We show and allow support from family and friends; we need to be a village again and reteach our children to respect one another, be emphatic of diversity and allow them to be a part of the new attitude to reunite. We need public respect from one another, better treatment of our elderly and our children. We should guide by faith and knowledge as an example of a union.

On the economic growth front, we start by working together on business projects that we all benefit from and share the wealth.

Where do you stand?

Trump in his asinine thought process, not only gave voice to the racialist groups and affiliates, but in a twist of fate, the African American community got some light positively shed on them.

Courteous Treatment by Authorities: First, there is a movement Black Lives Matter, came together in peace and rallied to demand that an individual’s civil rights be respected by authorities in the political and social arenas…no matter the color of the skin, the social status of the family, or the profession of the individual. Plus, there are other people, not in an official capacity, who needs to put aside the drama and bullcrap. Live and let live.

Where do you stand?

Disclaimer: To my African American brothers and sisters; White American boys and mixed-race boys and girls are being violated as well. You are not alone, you’ve had to suffer the longest due to the upsetting myths made up by ancestors.

Education changes: There are many Black Americans who are just as educated and articulate, maybe even more so than many White Americans, Mexican, or Asian Americans, but they face political bureaucracy at every turn. In many of the neighborhoods, it is hard to escape the riff-raff without going to college. Provide the opportunity to get them out. Change their attitude from “The man is keeping me back,” to “I got to get off my butt, take charge and get out yourself.”

I was hopeful for unity when I saw statements that did agree to allow opportunities for anyone and everyone to have a free education in a Junior college and or trade schools. This opportunity must be for everyone who lives in the United States and wants to get a higher education. I am for it. If an individual wants to continue to a four-year university or start in it, this is a private sector of education so the student or the university itself must handle the expense.

What others have said; When I investigated my findings by talking to those who seemed that peace and love were impossible, I questioned why. The response I received was disconcerting. Sadly, the variables that could bring hope and love to break down is inside the government… “they don’t care about the little man until it’s time to vote.” They, the elected officials we put into office, are more interested in justifying the government’s involvement in the recent incidents of trouble in the United States. In one instance, the riots in Alabama. A peaceful protest against the death of several black kids by the Black Lives Matter group. Then, and then the arrival of the White Hope. Whatever, you are no hope when hate fills your heart. Second, for instance, the insurrection attempt, the racial tensions, and comments that add fuel to the fire. The government is testing and measure the loyalty and devotion of ‘true patriots’. Good luck with that, for we are becoming a society that will fend for ourselves and vote you out.

Sadly, we are a fend for ourselves growing society, and desperate times and desperate measure the crime rates are rising. In truth, we cannot place the whole blame on an entire government body for the mishaps of an insurrection that was egged on by an opponent who doesn’t accept losing as a part of life. When he encourages in some vague way of causing violence, then he did wrong. When his lawyer said it was time to kick as and take names, he was wrong, and when his son says, senate and Congress, we are coming for you, he was wrong.

What else have we got to debate or argue?

Where do you stand?

Point to consider, How about that this same government, the United States Government, wants us, the citizens of America, to die so they can keep our money.

I ask you, how are our deaths going to give them money? If I die, there is no money to be had because my family will get it as part of my benefits package. Besides, the government has the minting office they can make money if need be, it won’t be worth much, but it will get us through. Next!

Let’s face it, this Eutopian dream of yours is a pipe dream. It will not work.


Because, there is no money in it for the government, and the people don’t care about one another enough to stand up and say, ‘no more, Bubba.’

How is this possible?

Yes or no, protesters every day are saying enough is enough,”

“Yes, this is true.”

Then why can’t it stop?

The give a damn is in the heart of the protesters and supporters of the unification of the people.

What good has come out of these protests?

While I think about this question, I recall seeing a group of people caught on camera behind the protesters causing various forms of trouble. People don’t want to hear the message anymore due to those individuals who are looting, beating up the weaker protesters, and setting buildings on fire. “Why should I care if they don’t?” The destruction of neighborhood property and the beatings of others show your lack of intelligence. Instead of researching and educating yourself on the issue, you choose to stay uninformed, left in the dark, and cause trouble for the greater good. Stop, look, and listen.

Protests are opportunities that we can use to fix by identifying problems among us and finding resolutions.

Why use all the energy that people have toward hate and use it to get to know one another?

They are too busy relating incidents to racism or social classes.

Racism has been a problem for many centuries, it’s time to let it go and regard one another as people. Everyone is the same inside if not outside. We all have a desire to be happy, healthy, and safe. Our children — all children — need a fair shot at an education that will help them succeed in life.

Furthermore, 30% of the people would rather have a lying, twice impeached one-year poor excuse for a man as the President of the United States, find an island and have a nut.

My fellow Americans, it matters not to me of all races, social classifications, and political party affiliations, if you are desirous of a life that is happy, successful, and safe in our neighborhoods, let us stand as an example to follow.

1. Listen to others’ concerns and trials. If you can give a resolution so be it gives them the hope to bring about peace. If not, guide them to the right place.

2. We must come together and have one another’s back. If someone is in danger and needs help, call on the police, stay with them until help arrives. Spiritual comfort is gained in a struggle when facing another.

The way things stand right now is NOT what Jesus told us to do. “Love one anohter as I have loved you.”

I chose to follow the truth of Christ.

And that is how it is done.


I do apologize for my ranting, I have tried to make some categories for your enjoyment. Have a great day and happy reading.

tags: racism, politics, sassysipewritings, medium, writer’s blokk,



Sandi Sipe
Writers’ Blokke

I am a Texas author writing in hte gentes of politics, religion, encouragement. MY QUOTES: I have balls too, they are 2 feet up and multi-functional.