Where Your Heart Feels at Home

Love without end

Amy Christie
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Kristy Kravchenko on Unsplash

In a world where souls may roam,
I’ve found a place to call my home,
Where hearts align, and spirits blend,
A haven where love has no end.

Here, in the warmth of a gentle embrace,
I find solace, a sacred space,
Where acceptance reigns supreme,
And every dream is but a wonder stream.

Forever loved in this precious place,
Where kindness blooms with grace,
My heart finds peace, my soul at rest,
In the arms of those who know me best.

So let us cherish this bond so true,
Where love abounds, and skies are blue,
For in this haven, we shall dwell,
Forever loved, where hearts feel safe.

In a world of fleeting moments, I’ve found a place,
Where my heart finds peace and grace,
Forever loved, in a warm embrace,
A place where I can always retreat and find hope.

Amongst the chaos and the noise,
There’s a sanctuary for my joys,
Where love resides, never destroyed,
A haven where my spirit finds joy.

In this space where my heart feels welcome,
I am cherished, loved for my flaws,
Through doubts or fears that try to numb,
The beauty of a love that feels so wholesome.

In a world that’s ever-changing,
Where storms and trials keep raging,
There’s a place where hearts find rest,
A haven where we feel truly blessed.

Forever loved in that sacred space,
Where kindness blooms and love finds its place,
In the warmth of acceptance, we thrive,
Our hearts singing, truly alive.

No matter the trials we may face,
In this sanctuary, we find grace,
For true love knows no bounds,
In this haven, our hearts resound.

So cherish the love that surrounds you,
In a world that can sometimes astound you,
For in a place where your heart feels at home,
You’ll forever be loved, never alone.

In the sanctuary of a loving embrace,
Where my heart finds its rightful place,
Forever cherished, gently held,
In a haven where all doubts are quelled.

Like a beacon in the darkest night,
Love’s warmth shines with radiant light,
Guiding me home, where I belong,
In melodies of an eternal song.

With each beat, my heart sings,
Of the joy that true love brings,
A bond unbroken, a bond so true,
In this sanctuary, my spirit renews.

Forever loved in this sacred space,
Where my soul finds solace and grace,
Embraced by love’s gentle swell,
In this haven where all is well.

© 2024 Amy Christie



Amy Christie
Writers’ Blokke

Dallasite, passionate storyteller and journalist, striving to create meaningful connections. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”