Which Is The Best Motivational Book?

How do you define motivation?

Ajay Gupta
Reader’s Paradise


Photo by Prasanna Kumar on Unsplash

Motivation is the process of stimulating people to accomplish their goals. Motivation can be in many forms such as desire for money; understanding the purpose of life; success in life; recognition; job-satisfaction ;team work, gaining wisdom, etc.

One of the most important functions of management is to create willingness among their employees is to give their best performance to enhance productivity.

There cannot be any other best motivation other than what is given by God Himself in the form of scripture as an avatar or incarnation of God.

The Sanskrit word avatar literally means “descent.” — It refers to the descent of divinity from heaven to earth in human form to give the message of God, and is called as an incarnation of God.

Sample page as an excerpt from the book “ Word of God Bhagavad Gita”.

God-incarnate Sri Krishna says to Arjuna in Chapter 3 verse 38 : “As fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror by dust, as an embryo by the womb; so is the knowledge of Self-soul covered by sinful lust and anger.” (Ajay Gupta: Amazon.in: Kindle Store : Word of God Bhagavad Gita by Ajay Gupta:)

Why do famous temples of Khajuraho; Puri and Konark in India, depict explicit images of naked couples in poses of sexual intercourse (maithuna)?

Erotica on the walls of these famous world heritage temples arouses curiosity and even puzzles the mind. The brazenness and ethereal beauty of these temples will ever continue to amaze the common people.

There is a deep secret behind these erotic carvings. — All these exquisite carvings are on the outer walls of the temple and not inside the sanctum-sanctorum (garbha-griha) of the temple, which is like the soul of a temple, where the main deity is enshrined.

The real reason behind these sensuous carvings in close embrace and interlocked in lovemaking has remained shrouded in mystery to the curious onlookers.

The human body is also in likeness of a temple where the embodied-soul dwells unseen within. The dual nature of male and female energies are on the outer surface of the physical body only, like the outer walls of a temple.

The bliss of deep meditation is also similar to sex experience. — The same state of no-mind, no-time, non-identification with the body; and blissful glimpse of super consciousness of God can be attained in a state of deep meditation within.

The duality of the pair of opposites is transcended in those few moments of ecstasy. — But indulgence in sex also results in a loss of vital energy and for short fleeting moments of time. — The question is how to prolong this state of bliss without any loss of vital energy ?

To reach the inner portals of one’s soul, one has to cross the barrier of all these dualities of male and female bodies. The state of a man and woman in embrace is a union of two basic principles of life Purusha and Prakriti.

One has to leave behind all lust and clean one’s mind before entering the inner central shrine of the temple, to attain oneness with cosmic consciousness of God.

The same blissful experience of no-mind and cessation of time can also be experienced in a state of deep meditation and union with the super-consciousness of God.

In meditation there is no time-limit, and no loss of energy; and it clears all the confusion and impurities of the chattering mind. — Deep meditation is Sattvika bliss from the beginning to the end.

The Bible Psalm says, “Be still and know that I am God.”…. It is the stillness of the mind, with no-thoughts and just emptiness for God-consciousness to fill the space.

It is a union of one’s soul with infinite consciousness of the Universe. — The other person is not needed in meditation and one can joyously meditate while alone in one’s room, or at any other place, for any duration of time.

Dependence on the other person is slavery, and the other can even manipulate and exploit you for selfish reasons.

Upanishads say, “Tat Twam Asi — (That thou art).” — — Thou or ‘You’ here is the experience of the all pervading Spirit of God as omnipresent.



Ajay Gupta
Reader’s Paradise

Ajay Gupta is the best selling author of two books ‘Word of God Bhagavad Gita’ and ‘Want to Know God: For Young and Old.’ — His books are available on Amazon.