Why Drinking Tap Water Is Dangerous

Why you shouldn’t save on bottled water

Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Many people seem to think that buying bottled water is a scam created to steal their money. After all, why would you want to pay for something you have at home?

Here are 3 harmful substances commonly found in tap water.


Most associate arsenic with an outdated type of poison. That’s pretty much what it is. Arsenic is a highly toxic metalloid found in air, water, and land.

Consumed in large quantities it can cause death. When consumed in smaller amounts and over a longer period of time, it can cause a multitude of health issues, including cancer, liver conditions, heart disease, and nervous system damage causing loss of sensation in the limbs and hearing problems. If not treated, even a relatively small amount has the capacity to kill the consumer.

Furthermore, arsenic consumption has been rightfully linked with birth defects and impaired cognitive development in children.

Statistics claim that arsenic levels exceeding the norm we consider safe, have been found in water supplies of over 25 states in the US, exposing over 2 million residents to the highly contaminated water.




Writers’ Blokke

Self-proclaimed writer. Engineering student. Trying to find my way and hopefully help many people on their journey.