Why I’m Writing Under A Pen Name

Certain things are just best to be kept anonymous

Ben Mitchell
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readJan 28, 2021


Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

I never thought I’d actually do it but here I am, writing under a pen name with what is my second account here on Medium. Yes, I have another Medium account which has been my main Medium account for the past 3 years and I’ve been actively writing on that one.

To be honest, I never saw a reason to write under a pen name. In my main account, I have my real name there, as well as a real picture of me. I never saw the need to hide who I really am.

And yet, I knew that because of how open my main account is, there were just things that I’d want to write about which I know would be hard, especially when my family and friends know about my little writing adventure on Medium and although I’ve never really written anything to hurt anyone, there are just certain topics that I know if I wrote about, it won’t sit so well with people that I know and love.

It’s also the reason why I’ve stopped writing about those topics even though I know just how lucrative those topics are. In my best earning months, articles on those topics were usually the top earning ones.

Those topics are also topics that I want to explore a little bit more, especially since it’s quite a taboo subject from where I come from.

That’s when I knew that I had to create another account under a pen name, just so that I can have that freedom to explore writing about things that otherwise, might have been hard for me to do so under my main account.

Does it make me coward? Maybe.

Does it make it wrong? No, I don’t think so.

I just think that people are just not ready to accept that other people will have different opinions on certain things than they do, and it’s especially hard to accept when those concerned are family or friends.

And as much as I’m of the opinion that screw what other people think of me, I would still like to avoid confrontations as much as possible and writing under a pen name is definitely one way to do so — for now.

Will I ever delete this account in the future and just decide to write everything under my real name? Maybe. If there comes a time when those I know are ready to accept that I write stuff which may make them uncomfortable, then I could well do so.

But until that day comes, I’m just going to try and enjoy this little bit of freedom as much as I can.

Plus, it’s also a good way to see if I can replicate (or even surpass) the same amount of success that I have on my main account. Right now, I have just over 5,000 followers and have steadily been able to make over $300 a month since August of 2020.

It took me over a year plus to get to where I am on my main account so it’ll be interesting to see if I can do the same with this account. Either way, I won’t stress out too much if I don’t because I will still be writing mainly from my main account and this will be used mostly to express other sides of me that would be a little difficult on my other account.

If anything, this will be a fun little experiment and I can’t wait to see how it goes.



Ben Mitchell
Writers’ Blokke

Just a regular guy trying to express himself through his words.