Why Imagination is Important in Guiding Your Life Towards the Direction You Want

Having an imagination sure does has its advantages. I would like to tell you about my personal experiences with my own imagination.

Hamza Ihsan
Writers’ Blokke
5 min readJan 23, 2021


Life has its twists and turns and every day is a new page in our life’s book. Nobody is certain what the future holds for us. But by keeping in mind what we want and in what direction our lives should move is majorly up to us in my opinion. By thinking about what is important to us in life, we tend to connect the dots and form a thinking pattern that eventually shows us an end goal in mind. When we constantly imagine moving forward towards that goal we technically prepare ourselves to take specific actions to achieve it. Besides that, we start to attract what we want through the law of attraction.

A little about my experience

When I started imagining I remember it was at a time when I had fewer things on my mind. I used to listen to electronic music and start thinking about various moments and my own experiences in life which led me to develop a pattern of thinking eventually turning into imagination. I used to think about my passions.

For example, doing business had always fascinated me. Watching other people attain heights of success in their businesses, I had developed a strong passion to have one, of my own. Imagining that someday I would be traveling around the world attending business meetings gave me great comfort. Fast forward a few years I identified the opportunities in front of me that led me to start my own e-commerce business.

The thing I want to emphasize here is that If I simply didn’t imagine I would not have felt compelled to grab those opportunities later in the future. I felt the importance of imagination right there and then as it gave me a base to know within myself what I truly want.

What I feel is that I attracted what I wanted by thinking about it every day. Not that I was daydreaming about my goals all day long and doing nothing else, I set aside a specific time especially before going to bed, when I kept thinking which eventually developed into an image in my mind about how I saw myself later on in life.

Having an imagination is not necessarily important in childhood, it is vital at any age. There is a natural feeling in our heads that time is lost and now we can’t achieve what we want as efficiently as we could have a few years ago, but that is where you can bring into your imagination and start thinking forward. When you do that you start to see a bright future ahead. You feel that there is too much that can be done

How I became creative with my imagination

I decided to exercise my imagination for the sake of getting comfort. I did this by looking at pictures of beautiful beaches and thinking I am there with either my loved ones, friends, or just alone sitting on the warm beige sand working on my laptop having the time of my life!

Doing this every day gave me new ideas and opened up my mind to get fresh thoughts and have a clear head. As I noticed the inflow of ideas and thoughts, I started to jot all that down in my journal so I don’t forget what my mind had blessed me with.

Noting down all those thoughts and ideas saved all that precious information in my journal for me to have a look at it later. Going through it later made me look at all those ideas from a different perspective and generated new and fresh ideas all over again. Sometimes I was surprised at myself for having such great ideas come to my mind.

You can use your imagination for anything

For example, you have an upcoming event to attend, you can start imagining yourself as being the man of the hour from before. You can set an image in your mind and pretend to be that image. This way your brain will be trained to see yourself as that image.

If you're an entrepreneur and want to see your business grow, you can imagine that your business is already successful and you are already reaping the fruits of it. Whatever business you’re in you can think of ways to improving it, either by adding new products, giving your customers an excellent experience, or gaining a greater market share.

Just by thinking you can get many new ideas. Once you get those ideas focus on one idea at a time which will construct a bridge to a pool of other new ideas providing support to the central idea you were focussing on initially.

Practice makes perfect

As the old saying goes, you can become better each day by practicing to imagine leading to a greater, vast, and creative imagination at your disposal. Having an imagination can lead you to overcome all the barriers you've set in your mind as imagining who you want to become will be far greater than those barriers already present in your mind. The more you imagine the more you will become better at it.

Start small by giving attention to your thoughts thus looking at the whole picture one step at a time. If you’re into electronic music listen to some progressive deep house tracks and let your mind float into space where you look at your life from a third-person view getting what you want and how you want to see yourself later in life.

Give it a try!



Hamza Ihsan
Writers’ Blokke

Entrepreneur | Online Seller — Cricket Enthusiast. Freelance Writer — Management | Finance | Marketing — Self Development — BBA in Management from UTSA