Why Planking is Good for Your Posture & Back

EP McKnight, MEd
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
5 min readApr 22, 2021


Aging makes the body shrink, use a few planks a day, to keep shrinking at bay

Side Plank Photo by EPMcKnight
Planking — Photo by EPMcKnight
Modified Plank — Photo by EPMcKnight

Over the years, I have prided my common sense on learning via others’ mistakes, triumphs and failures. Life is too short and I will not live long enough to experience each. One thing that has always bothered me was how ladies and men as they get older start to walk slower, the body moves slower and they appear to shrink.

I made a conscious effort to watch my posture and ensure that if I do shrink it won’t be because I didn’t try to prevent it. I may not be able to totally prevent shrinking but I will do my darnest to slow it down to a crawl.

I have noticed that while most older people shrink, some don’t. So what is there secret? What do they know that many others don’t . Those are the people I need to emulate and watch. There’s always a way to counteract an issue unless it’s surrounded with genetics. Even with genetics, in my opinion, I believe changes and modifications affect or circumvent.



EP McKnight, MEd
Writers’ Blokke

Actress, Stage playwright, Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher Fitness Coach. www.epmcknight.wixsite.epfitspiration Follow me: Tiktok, imdb.me/epmcknight