Why Visualisation Matters

With a rather nauseating example

Marifur Rahaman
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readAug 16, 2021


To my girlfriend, Phuchka comes first. I come second. Image — Rupam Das

So I’m an avid street food consumer. The streets of Kolkata are adorned by vendors selling chow-mein , momos, eggrolls, ‘luchi’ & dal, chops, and what not. And yes, these vendors care a rat’s arse about hygiene. But here I am, still alive.

The pandemic forced me to put a- not a fullstop but a semi colon- to my street food eating ritual. And now as India comes out of the dark tunnel of the second wave of the pandemic, I’m gradually resuming my street-food eating ritual.

As I said, hygiene to these food-sellers is just like I am to my crush — non-existent. But there are some vendors who are really really dirty. If you’re having a constipation, consume what they cook and your constipation will vanish. Why? Because you’ll be suffering from diarrhoea for a whole week.

There is one such food vendor in my area. I know that the food-stall has all the red flags. Sweaty employees- check. No face mask- check. No hair covering- check, flies- check, pollution-check. I knew this, but still I didn’t have the power to stop ordering from them. Why, because these things were not poignant. The sweaty employees worked in the background. I never saw the flies sitting on the food. And the pollution is invisible.


One fine morning, I was walking along the road when I came beside the stall. The smell of the hot ‘luchi’ was too much to resist! I ordered 4 of them with ‘matar-dal’. It was a soul satisfying experience. Just like in the second part of the movie matrix- the Merovingian sent the woman a piece of cake that was programmed to make her orgasm- it felt like ‘luchis’ were programmed to satisfy my deepest desires…

As I finished eating, I went ahead to put the plate in a large dish. There were already too many to-be-washed plate creating a small mountain. As I tried to somehow make space for my plate in that dish, four or five plates fell down. And it fell down onto the road full puddles from the previous day’s rain. Here puddles are not that harmless. When it rains heavily, the road and the drain become inseparable. So it’s safe to assume, that the puddle had… well, I don’t want to describe it.

I tried to convince myself that they perhaps wash those plates with soap- not just water. But who was I kidding?

After seeing what I saw, I was traumatised. I felt like forcing my finger down my throat to puke out everything I ate. I was restless until I pooped the next day.

From that day forth, I stopped treading on that path. But why did it affect me so much? I already knew that the stall was dirty and unhygienic. It’s because it was the day when I saw for myself what ‘dirty’ looked like. Until that day, I had the idea of ‘dirty’. This visualisation of lack of hygiene affected me deeply.

Visualisation is very powerful. No matter if you are a salesman, digital marketer or a spiritualist. Make people visualise to achieve sales, make people visualise to spiritually transform them.

I know this is a rather dirty way of teaching you the Law of Attraction. But it’s effective!

That’s it for now. It’s almost 5 p.m here. Let me request my wife to make some luchis for me. Oh wait, I don’t have a wife!



Marifur Rahaman
Writers’ Blokke

Content Writer by profession. Do ping me if you come to Kolkata.