Why Writing About Writing Won’t Help Your Writing In the Long Term

Here’s to you dancing to the song playing on the radio Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

David Bowie once told us to “let all the children boogie”. And since I haven’t got rid of my inner child yet, well… here’s me still on the dance floor, throwing shapes left right and centre.

Because that’s what writing should be. A very personal way of leaving a part of us behind in this world. Similar to how a fox’s footprints on the snow tell us the morning after of the animal’s presence in our garden the night before. We might not even notice the snow, were it not for our vulpine friend’s nocturnal visit.

This is one of the reasons why I limit my “writing about writing” output to a few posts every now and then. Whilst I think that discussing the finer points of our craft with like-minded authors on this and other platforms has its merits, I also feel that there’s more to this art that I need to explore.

Ground Control to Major Tom

As someone who’s always out and about on Medium, reading as many pieces as my working day allows me to and leaving feedback as much as I can, I feel lucky to be exposed to so much good writing here. At the same time, this also means that I am exposed to a lot of “writing about writing”.

