Why You Should Not Date Your Best Friend

Mahi Jain
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2021
from Canva
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So you’ve been with your best friend for years and somehow started to like them in a “more than friends” way OR your best friend started to hint that they have feelings for you and you are in a dilemma of what to do next? Well, I got you, mate.

People always say that one of the best relationship in the world is dating your own best friend. They already know all about you and are very fun to hang out with, just imagine how fun your relationship would be with him. I do not completely disagree because exceptions are everywhere. However, I have my reasons and past experiences to stand by my title.

A few reasons are listed below:

1. You could ruin your friendship.

The biggest fear that comes with dating your best friend is that your friendship is at stake. If things didn’t work out as per your plans, there is a high probability that you guys won’t become friends again, and even if you do, things won’t be the same as they used to be.

2. Who are you gonna seek for advice?

Whenever you used to have arguments or were pissed at your partner you used to go to your best friend to rant and seek advice. In this case, whom are you going to approach for relationship therapy?

3. You won’t be as open as you used to.

Let’s be honest, your best friend and lover are two different things. Although it’s good to have a lover who is like a best friend and vice versa but you can’t tell everything to your lover, like how you found a guy/girl on the street attractive or your insecurities and positions where you get vulnerable.

4. You might get bored later.

Relationships are about exploring, making mistakes, and learning. Well, if you date your best friend you already are aware of everything, therefore, there is not much to explore and ignite that sense of adventure.

5. You will not be ready to lose them.

Even in the toughest times, you won’t give up on them, no matter how drained you get because you won’t just lose a lover but your best friend. There is a significant probability that your relationship can become toxic.

6. You may get disappointed.

As your tags change, your boundaries, and your expectations do too. There will be times when you want him to hang out with you instead of his friends( which wasn’t an issue when you were best friends). You end up keeping the disappointment inside and it will blow someday.

Dating your best friend is not always as good as everyone says. With you knowing all his deepest secrets, his bad side and good side, think about it once again. Is it really worth it to risk the friendship you’ve had all along just to give it a try and date him? Because once it didn’t work, you’ll never have him back as a best friend.



Mahi Jain
Writers’ Blokke

Hey all! I am currently a student, working my way through the beauty of writing. I love to write short stories, articles and sometimes even journal how I feel.